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International Swedish Massage®

The Swedish massage is a versatile technique providing many benefits. Both toning and relaxing for muscles, this technique also increases blood and lymphatic flow as well as toxins’ elimination. It can be practiced both for therapeutic or relaxation purposes. The massage therapist will tailor the rhythm and depth of his procedures according to the needs of the client.


The Californian massage is characterized by long, fluid and smooth movements that sculpt and envelop the body to allow the client to reclaim it and to become aware of it. During the care, the massage therapist, who acts has a reassuring presence, always stays in direct contact with the client. It allows the client to relieve stress, to refocus and to deeply relax.


Originally from the island of Hawaii, the lomi-lomi massage was traditionally practiced by master healers seeking to recreate the harmony of the four elements and to facilitate the passage between the different phases of life in people benefiting from this treatment. Imitating the movement of the waves, this massage will take you into deep relaxation of body and mind.


Cupping Massage

The Californian massage is characterized by long, fluid and smooth movements that sculpt and envelop the body to allow the client to reclaim it and to become aware of it. During the care, the massage therapist, who acts has a reassuring presence, always stays in direct contact with the client. It allows the client to relieve stress, to refocus and to deeply relax.


Essential oils have different properties depending on the plants from which they come. By integrating them with massage therapy, the effectiveness of the care can be increased, thanks to the synergy between those two. Because of their analgesic, anesthetic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, they are used in the physiological field to relieve muscular, articular and rheumatic pains.
